Duck Island Yacht Club
Etchells Team Event
Madison Beach Club vs DIYC
July 6, 2009
Here are the results for the
Etchells Team Race Event between Madison Beach Club vs DIYC. Each
team consisted of three boats. Winning consisted of winning 2 of 3
races. Each team's score for each is the sum of the scores of each
individual boat using the
low point system.
This event was my favorite of the season. We should do more of
these. Mat
RESULTS - Etchells Team Race Event - 7/06/09
Note: Underlined sail numbers are the MBC team boats
Race Scoring
Place Race 1 Race 2
Race 3
1 1341 1341 744
2 1063 1086 1042
3 1086 744 1341
4 1042 1063 1086
5 1100 1042 1100
6 744 1100 1063
Accumulative Scoring
Race No DIYC Score MBC Score WINNER
1 9
2 9
3 12
Event Winner (best of three races): Duck Island Yacht Club
Race Officer: Mat Hayes