Membership Options - 2024
Dear Prospective Member,
There are
two options for membership in Duck Island Yacht Club:
1. Become an
Active Member and enjoy full privileges, which include
use of all Club facilities and moorings. Active membership requires
a payment of a $500.00 nonrefundable Capital contribution to Duck Island
Yacht Club and the 2024 dues, which include applicable taxes, is set at $650.00. In
subsequent years, you will be obligated to pay only the annual dues set
by the Board of Governors. The Capital contribution can optionally
be paid in installments of $125.00 per year for 4 years.
2. Become a Social Member. Social Memberships are available for those
who do not own a boat, or whose boat is 20 ft or less in length. Social
Members enjoy use of all facilities of the Club, except the Club
moorings. Social members may not vote on Club matters, but may hold any
officer position except Commodore, Vice Commodore, and Treasurer.
Social membership requires payment of the 2024 dues, set at $130.00,
which include applicable taxes.
Please note that the annual dues will be
prorated, as follows, to take into consideration the time of year that
you become a member of Duck Island Yacht Club:
- 100% of dues are paid if you join between
January 1 - June 30
- 70% of dues are paid if you join between
July 1 - August 31
- 30% of dues are paid if you join between
September 1 - December 31
During the first year, a new member will be invited to attend an
officer's meeting, which are held monthly. There they will be introduced
to the officers, given a membership package, and invited to sit in on
the business part of the meeting. They may be asked to serve on a
committee or to participate, as needed, in any activities necessary to
keep DIYC in good repair and running smoothly. We ask that new members
attend at least two social events so they will become acquainted with
more of the Duck Island membership.
Please remit the appropriate fees along with your application for
membership to your proposer who will then forward all required
application materials and recommendation forms to the club secretary.
Membership applications are posted on the web and the clubhouse door for
members to review for 30 days. The Board of Governors will then vote on
accepting the members.
Click here
to view the Application Form (PDF) -
Fillable using T (Typewriter) on the
tool bar.
Click here to view the
New Member Recommendation Form (Word) Proposer & both
seconds must each complete this form.
Email with the subject "DIYC_Membership_Query"
if you
have any questions.
DIYC Flag Officers and Board of Governors
Copyright 1999, DIYC rev. 07/30/2024 |